The current main challenge and the host institution is the financial maintenance, before that, the Home Padilla relies on agreements with the municipalities where they are referred children and adolescents, as well as seeking the partnership of organizations and institutions, and collaboration and solidarity Community. Anyone wishing to visit and / or collaborate in some way, you can contact the secretariat of the institution 51.3542.9146 via phone, email or in their own homes.

Bank Deposit

Lar Padilha - Padilha district
CNPJ: 91.695.577/0002-00
Banco do Brasil
Agency / Taquara: No. 0416-2
Current Account: 4448-2

Defense Center and Social Protection Lar Padilha - Center of Taquara
CNPJ: 91.695.577/0006-25
Banco do Brasil
Agency / Taquara: No. 0416-2
Current Account: 5148-9


PagSeguro is a fully secure online payment tool that will resize your donation directly to the Lar Padilha.

General donations

If you prefer you can visit us and make your donation of food, clothing, footwear, construction, cleaning, personal hygiene, school and teaching materials, furniture and fixtures materials.

Be a voluntary

Children and adolescents welcomed the Lar Padilha need you. Come volunteer and be part of our history. Make a call or click here to send an email.

Income tax

You can donate up to 6 % of their income tax to the Lar Padilha, affiliated to the Council for the Rights of the Child and Adolescent care entity - COMDICA. Businesses can also help by donating to 1 % of Income Tax for such entity. Talk to your accountant and help ensure the future of our children and adolescents.

More information

(51) 3541.6600 - extensions 627 and 617


Rua Júlio de Castilhos, 2840
Bairro Centro
Taquara, RS
Elania: (51) 3541.9231