The Beneficent Evangelical Fellowship of Imperial Forest (ABEFI) is a civil society organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for children, adolescents and adults, offering opportunities their choices and a decent tread life.

Meets up every day more than 1,100 children, adolescents and adults in units: Escola de Educação Infantil da Paz, Ação Encontro, Centro de Defesa e Proteção Social Lar Padilha, Acolhimento República, Colégio Sinodal da Paz, Abrigo João e Maria, Casa de Acolhimento Anjo da Guarda, Casa de Acolhimento Bom Pastor and Casa de Acolhimento do Menino.

With the help of the community and its various partners, ABEFI acts since 1968 serving with assistance and education to thousands of people. Demonstration of the effectiveness of their work is public and personal recognition of the people who received support to develop into particular life stage.


The first training workshops to work with footwear were installed. The courses took place in squatter community spaces, having great repercussion and influx of people. Thousands of people could become professional coming from a sudden and large population migration from rural areas to the outskirts of the industrial city of Novo Hamburgo.


Starts the embryo of Preschool Peace, then called the Child Club. The Evangelical community Imperial Forest initiates referrals to formalize the ABEFI.


On March 3rd is created and installed the School of Early Childhood Education (Kindergarten at the time), starting the activities of the current Synod of Peace College in August is legally established the Evangelical Beneficent Association Imperial Forest - ABEFI.


ABEFI is declared Public Utility Hall, through the Municipal Law n º 11/69 of 08.05.1969. On the 25th of November was the official establishment of the Evangelical School of Peace in the official gazette, current Synodical College Peace.


ABEFI is declared the State Public Utility by Decree No. 20,698 of 11/21/1970.


ABEFI is declared Public Utility Federal Decree No. 71,181, March 31st.


Start of construction of the current Synodical College Peace.


Inauguration of the building of the Evangelical Creche Peace, today Preschool Peace Moreover, the land was acquired, which initiated Action Against unit. In this place later, it was built a small wooden house that served for meetings with children, adolescents and women’s groups Vila Palmeira, in St. Albans neighborhood.


Starts the task force for cleaning and improvement of the facilities of the old hospital and the old doctor’s house. Future Lar Padilha.


Lar Padilha borns to serve families in poverty or children abandoned by their families, who are residing in the shelter.


The Factory School crashes due to the leather footwear industry crisis in the mid-1990s.


The enactment of Law 8.069/90 of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA) introduces new principles for the care of children and adolescents in residential care. Occurs during this period the institutional reorganization of Lar Padilha.


By Laws n. º 11.114/2005 11.274/200 and the Evangelical School of Peace, shall be called Peace College Synodal view from kindergarten through high school.


In January, following the norms of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education - the ancient Gospel of Peace Nursery began to call themselves Preschool Peace.


The new building of Action Meeting, which serves children, adolescents and adults in social and personal vulnerability was inaugurated on June 10th.


The Action Against ABEFI maintains over 180 attendances 7-15 years and adults in courses, the Lar Padilha with up to 78 jobs sheltering children and adolescents 5-17 years, Preschool Peace with 138 children from four months to three years and 11 months and Synodical College Peace from kindergarten to high school with 487 students. John and Mary’s Shelter is now managed by Abefi in partnership with the Municipality of Novo Hamburgo.


In 2013, the Casa de Acolhimento Anjo da Guarda, Casa de Acolhimento Bom Pastor and Casa de Acolhimento do Menino become Abefi units.

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