
President of ABEFI Lori Schmidt
Director of ABEFI Minister Carlos Bock
Director of Lar Padilha Fernandes Vieira dos Santos
Lori Schmidt
Lori Schmidt
Lori Schmidt is president of ABEFI (Evangelical Benevolent Association Imperial Forest) maintains the Lar Padilha. For her, Lar Padilha is the girl with the golden eyes, it is the continuation of someone who was very important in his life: the pastor Sebaldus Nörnberg, founder and creator of the ABEFI Home. "The Lar Padilha is a reference. Many people help because they know it's honest work, with transparency and credibility. Employees face working with a very great seriousness, embrace children and teenagers as children. I do not know express the joy I feel when I visit Lar Padilha".
Pastor Carlos Bock
Pastor Carlos Bock
Director of ABEFI, Minister Carlos Bock, is always in contact with the Lar Padilha, offering help and support in times of prosperity and hardship as well. For him, home is a place of confrontation with a difficult reality to accept that is the separation of children and adolescents in the family and the place where they should live. "The Lar Padilha is for me an important source of knowledge in the form of welcome and care of children and adolescents. The achievement in this area, due to their work team and how each reflects happened fact, drawing lessons for new shares and course corrections. It is a success story in the reception. I am grateful for everything I've learned since I am part of history."
Fernandes dos Santos
Fernandes dos Santos
Fernandes Vieira dos Santos is the director Lar Padilha. Graduating in the area of law, it has been guardianship counselor in the city of Taquara and has always been involved with the causes of child and adolescent. At home, manages all functions predicting always welcomed assistance from, as well as the employees who designed much more than they should to maintain the entity. "The Lar Padilha is my big family where I am happy and I met. I am a better human being, sharing my life with children and adolescents. So I feel useful and alive, I feel a great responsibility to contribute all in the home to make the world a better place for children and adolescents who are welcomed."
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